Judge Releases 24 of 25 Defendants During Initial Hearings

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On June 29, District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Juliet McKenna released 24 defendants and held one defendant at the DC Jail.

Of the 24 released, two did not have charges filed against them. Nine of the cases were for domestic violence-related incidents.

A defendant was charged with simple assault, violation of a Civil Protection Order and destruction of property in a domestic violence case. Judge Juliet McKenna found probable cause and held the defendant, citing two additional cases that involved the same complainant.

Another defendant was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon in a felony domestic violence case. The prosecution requested Judge McKenna place the defendant in the High Intensity Supervision Program (HISP), citing the alleged victim has a deep laceration from the incident and will need surgery.

The defendant’s defense attorney argued that she was acting in self defense. The defendant also had three family members present in court, and counsel noted that they will be able to help the defendant comply with release orders. Judge McKenna released the defendant with a stay-away order from the complainant.

One defendant was charged with tampering with a detection device. The defendant was released by Judge McKenna in this matter, but is being held on a parole warrant in a separate case.

Another defendant was charged with a bail violation after he did not show up for his hearing on March 12. The defendant had an underlying charge of second-degree theft. The defendant was released because his failure to appear was on the coincided with the city’s COVID-19 shutdown.

A defendant was charged with driving while under the influence, operating a vehicle while impaired, driving without a permit, and operating a vehicle after revocation. He was released by Judge McKenna, with some conditions. The defendant is not allowed to operate any vehicle without a valid driver’s license, and he must check in with Pretrial Services weekly, until a drug and alcohol assessment can be performed.

Three defendants were charged with carrying a pistol outside of their home or business. Out of the three defendants, two had additional charges that included possession of an unregistered firearm and ammunition and receiving stolen property.

Three defendants were charged with being fugitives from justice. All three were released by Judge McKenna per the prosecution’s request with instructions to turn themselves in to either Maryland or Virginia.

Two defendants were brought in on arrest warrants for failure to appear in hearings for their domestic violence cases. They were released with new court dates.

In another domestic violence case, a defendant was charged with assault, second-degree theft and contempt. The prosecution requested a hold, citing a pending misdemeanor case in which the defendant is charged with simple assault involving the same complainant. Judge McKenna released him with conditions. The defendant is required to wear a GPS monitoring device and has a stay-away order because of his criminal history.

Two defendants in domestic violence cases, one charged with simple assault and one charged with simple assault and attempted possession of a prohibited weapon, were released with no harassment orders for the alleged victims.

Two final defendants involved in domestic violence cases were released per the prosecution’s recommendation. One defendant was charged with stalking and the other defendant was charged with assault and destruction of property. Both were released with stay-away orders from the complainants and associated locations.