Judge Releases All Domestic Violence Defendants During Initial Hearings

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During initial hearings on March 12, DC Superior Court Judge Lloyd Nolan released six defendants charged in domestic violence cases.

Overall, a total of 22 cases were presented before the court, and the judge only held one of these defendants.

Five of the domestic violence defendants were brought in on new charges involving simple assault, destruction of property, leaving after colliding, possession of a controlled substance and attempted threats to do bodily harm.

These defendants were all given stay-away orders and told to call the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) once a week.

They all have status hearings scheduled for Aug. 13.

The final domestic violence defendant, Malik Lewis, was brought in on a bench warrant for failing to appear at a probation hearing in two closed cases. In those cases, he was convicted of simple assault and violation of a Civil Protection Order (CPO).

The judge released Lewis and re-scheduled his probation hearing for April 20.