Judge Releases Defendant Charged with Robbery

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A DC Superior Court judge granted a robbery defendant’s request to be released while awaiting trial. 

Richard Bennett is accused of robbing a man on the 300 block of Florida Avenue, NE on Feb. 6. Upon his arrest, police found his victim’s ID and multiple cards in his possession. 

On June 24, the prosecution said Bennett may not be competent to stand trial, as reports from St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, DC’s psychiatric institution, suggested that he showed signs of paranoia. The prosecutor also warned against releasing the defendant due to his extensive criminal history, aggressive behavior towards hospital staff and the fact that he tested positive for the coronavirus.

Bennett’s defense attorney, Amy Philips, said her client is no longer contagious because he has most recently tested negative for the virus twice.

Philips argued for Bennett’s release, saying he acknowledges his mental health problems and is committed to seeking treatment. The treatment would be provided by Community Connections, a nonprofit health service in DC.

A representative from the organization confirmed Philips’ claims.

Philips then mentioned that Bennett’s mother would provide him with shelter and a job upon his release.

Bennett is a “very lucky man,” Judge Michael Ryan said, declaring the defendant competent to stand trial. Judge Ryan released Bennett on June 24.

Bennett’s next hearing is scheduled for Aug. 5.