Judge Releases Domestic Violence Defendant from Home Confinement

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A domestic violence defendant accused of trying to kill his now-former significant other was released from home confinement with GPS monitoring and a curfew.

The defendant was charged with assault with intent to kill while armed in February 2020. During his most recent hearing on May 19, a prosecutor told DC Superior Court Judge Robert Okun an indictment was coming soon, and charges were already before a grand jury.

A judge ordered the defendant held at DC Jail during his initial hearing on Feb. 6, 2020. Later that month, he was released to a halfway house until March 23, 2020, when he was released into home confinement under the High Intensity Supervision Program. 

On Feb. 28, 2021, the court relaxed the defendant’s release conditions so he could leave his home for work. Since then, he has been working two jobs while wearing a GPS monitor.

Defense attorney Ronald Resetarits asked Judge Okun to transfer his client from HISP into standard pretrial release with a curfew. Resetarits cited the defendant’s long history of compliance with his release conditions. He said the defendant remained employed during his time on HISP without any violations.

An attorney for the victim was present during the hearing and said the victim was still fearful of the defendant’s alleged violent behavior. They asked that he remain in home confinement.

Judge Okun said the defendant had been largely compliant with the stay away, no-contact order for the past two years. He noted one violation of the home confinement order during which the defendant stayed overnight at a new girlfriend’s home.

Judge Okun released the defendant from home confinement and instituted a curfew requirement that that worked with the defendant’s two job schedules, which includes night shifts.

The defendant is scheduled to return to court for a felony status conference on Oct. 24.