Judge rules probable cause to hold 16-year-old for murder

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Lamont McDonald, 16, was brought into court in a wheelchair, for his first hearing regarding the murder of Malachi Yisrael.

McDonald allegedly shot Yisrael, 43, in the 300 block of 50th street, Northeast on July 5 when a drug deal went wrong.

The government called a homicide detective who discussed evidence collected and an eyewitness’s testimony. The line of questioning from the government focused on the events that lead up to the homicide, focusing on the actions of McDonald. The defense’s questions dealt with the actions the decedent took before he was murdered.

In the closing remarks made by the government, they claimed that there was enough probable cause to continue the investigation. The fact that McDonald continued to shoot after Yisrael when he fell on the ground points to the fact that he intended to do it, the prosecution argued.

The defense made the claim that the McDonald was acting in self-defense when he shot Yisrael. She stated that Yisrael was a lot larger than him and was using force by hitting him.

Judge Jose Lopez, in agreeing with the government, ruled that there is probable cause to continue investigating, but allowed McDonald to be released to the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services until his next court appearance.

McDonald is set to appear on Sept. 15 for a felony status conference.