Judge Schedules Preliminary Hearing for Murder Defendants

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On July 16, DC Superior Court Judge Ronna Beck set a hearing for Sept. 25 to determine if a murder case has enough evidence to go to trial.

Derrick Kearney and Daquan Anglin are charged with first-degree murder while armed in the death of Devonte Speight, a 26-year-old resident of Northwest, DC.

Kearney and Anglin allegedly shot Speight, who was on his dirt bike, from their vehicle on the 1800 block of Maryland Avenue, NE on April 29. According to a witness, it looked like Anglin’s and Kearney’s vehicle was attempting to “flag down” Speight. After the victim began to ride away, the front passenger door opened and three shots were fired. Speight continued to ride until he reached 19th Street, NE and fell to the ground. 

After the shooting, the suspects allegedly attempted to flee in a vehicle with temporary Maryland tags, but were apprehended after being pinned between a bus and a parked car at the corner of Kenilworth Avenue and Ames Street, NE.

Two juvenile defendants are also suspected in Speight’s murder.