Judge Sends Defendant to St. Elizabeth’s

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A DC Superior Court judge sent an assault defendant to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, DC’s psychiatric institution, on July 23.

Evan Graham is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for allegedly pulling a knife on two victims and chasing them with it near the intersection of 2nd Street and Channing Street, NE on March 16. Responding officers apprehended Graham after using the victim’s description to identify him walking near the location of the alleged attack, according to court documents.

Graham has been in DC Jail since March 17. Judge Danya Dayson denied his release on April 21. 

Graham was interviewed by a doctor from the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) on July 9. The DBH’s report suggested that Graham is not competent to stand trial and recommended he be sent to the institution to receive treatment for his delusions.

Graham has been admitted to the psychiatric hospital four different times from 2015 to 2018. He has also been admitted to psychiatric hospitals in Maryland. 

After receiving no objection from parties, Judge Michael Ryan transferred Graham to St. Elizabeth’s once again in an attempt to restore the defendant’s competency.

Judge Ryan then asked that Graham “do his best” to continue to receive treatment and work towards becoming competent. 

Graham is scheduled to receive a full competency evaluation while held at St. Elizabeth’s. He is slated to return to court on Aug. 21 to evaluate his progress.