Judge Sentences Defendant to Time Served Plus Probation

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A DC Superior Court judge sentenced a defendant to 2 years in prison and three years on probation.

On March 16, Jerome Barnes pleaded guilty to attempted assault with a dangerous weapon for stabbing his victim 17 times with a knife. 

Barnes received time served for the time he was to spend in prison. He must also complete a drug treatment program and an anger management course during his probation.

Barnes must not test positive for PCP, a hallucinatory drug, during his probation. 

The prosecution read the victim’s impact statement. The victim did not wish any harsh punishment on the defendant, however the victim requested a stay away order. In the statement the victim expressed never wanting to have contact with Barnes again. 

Judge Michael O’Keefe issued a three year stay away order, which forbids Barnes from coming within 100 feet of the victim. 

The defendant and the victim have not had contact since the incident.