Man Released from Jail After Accepting Plea Deal

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A DC Superior Court judge sentenced and released June 12 a defendant from jail after he accepted a plea deal for second-degree theft and unlawful entry.

Judge Michael Ryan sentenced Timothy Jordan to four months in prison. The confinement time was suspended as long as Jordan, 40, seeks treatment for his mental health issues and stays away from the CVS on Alabama Avenue, SE. 

The judge said he believes that Jordan has had adequate time to consider his actions and sincerely wishes to improve himself.

On June 30, 2019, Jordan broke into the window of a closed CVS store and stole $673 worth of oral hygiene products.

At the time, Jordan was working for a temporary employment agency and experiencing severe toothaches. He wished to resolve these issues and profit off the excess products.

The following day, Jordan was charged with second-degree burglary, destruction of property less than $1,000 and second-degree theft. The other charges were dropped in the plea deal.

Jordan was found on March 3 when he attempted to shoplift two beers from a convenience store on the same street.

He was arrested for second-degree theft and failure to appear in court.

Later that month, he was caught stealing from two vehicles.

According to court documents, Jordan broke into the passenger seat of a car on 12th Place NE and took a saw. He then went south towards Constitution Avenue, NE.

On the way, he entered a van and stole tools, according to the documents.

Judge Ryan ordered Jordan to pay the minimum $50 fine for each of his four misdemeanor cases. One of these fees could be raised to $250 on the condition that the prosecutor can provide appropriate proof that Jordan damaged the van.