May Registers as DC’s Deadliest Month in 3 Years

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Number of homicides in the District of Columbia in 2018

May has been the deadliest month Washington, DC has seen in three years. 

According to D.C. Witness data, there were 19 homicides in DC in May, including one trauma, three stabbings and 15 shootings. Two women and 17 men were killed. The victims ranged from 1 years old to 43 years old. March closely followed with 18 deaths.

Nine out of May’s 19 homicides resulted in an arrest by the Metropolitan Police Department. These arrests include Brian Wooden, who is charged with beating and killing one-year-old Carter Sanders; Kavonte Richardson, who is charged with stabbing Matthew Scott Rooker; and Alonzo Lewis, who is charged with shooting Jaquon Helm.

According to D.C. Witness data, the majority of these homicides are a result of disputes. Court documents show that one death was a result of child abuse, another death was connected to illegal drugs, two deaths were a result of theft and six deaths were due to disputes.

The month of May had, on average, three murders a week, making it the deadliest month in years. According to D.C. Witness data, May has historically been known to have a high murder rate.

Nine of these murders took place in the Southeastern quadrant and eight took place in the Northeast DC.












The chart above shows DC’s homicide rate per month over the last three years. Since 2015, the homicide rate in May has decreased. But, in 2018 there has been a sudden spike in homicides. In May in 2015 there were 17 homicides, in 2016 there were 14 homicides, in 2017 there were 11 homicides and there have been 19 homicides in 2018.

Even though May trumped other months throughout the years, it has not risen above August’s count of 21 homicides in 2015.  With August just around the corner, will the 91 homicide count, as of July 25,  drastically increase?