Murder Defendants Reject Plea Deals

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On Jan 31, during a felony arraignment, four murder defendants rejected their plea deals.

Steven Robin, Sean “Antonio” McKenize, Charles Young and Edward Brown are charged with first-degree murder while armed for their alleged involvement in shooting 29-year-old Kenneth Poindexter on the 4700 block of Benning Rd., SE on Jan. 1, 2018. Robin and Young are also charged with possession of a firearm during a crime of violence. 

The prosecutor said the plea deal included a potential sentence of 5-8 years for each of the four defendants, but they all declined to plead guilty on the record.

The defense attorney for Young, Ronald Resetarits, also reminded Judge Todd Edelman about the defendant’s right to a speedy trial.

Judge Edelman set a date for a hearing where the defendants will decide if they want to conduct independent DNA testing on March 17.

This article was written by Naysha Carrasquillo