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Brennan Fiske [former]
- August 10, 2021
Intern Highlights
My summer with D.C. Witness covering the DC Superior Court built on skills I had learned in my spring intern semester, and introduced me to new areas of reporting on a judicial system.
Through covering a variety of hearings regarding court dates, mental health evaluations, probable cause and more, I improved at turning my detailed and lengthy notes into a concise and effective article that could be easily understood and digested by the general public.
I also got to extensively cover the first jury trial since before COVID-19. By sitting in on multiple days of the trial, I was able to follow intricate details of the prosecutor and defense’s arguments, which led to more detailed and effective articles.
Overall, my summer at D.C. Witness was an incredible experience. This semester’s in-person environment allowed me to connect even better with my coworkers and editors, and I believe the skills I solidified here will help me greatly in my future endeavors.
Thank you for everything this semester! I hope I see you all in the future!!