Parties Request More Time to Test and Review DNA Evidence in 2020 Homicide Robbery Case

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DC Superior Court Judge Robert Okun granted parties more time to conduct additional DNA testing in a murder case. 

Nathaniel Bates, 37, is charged with first-degree murder while armed for allegedly shooting 28-year-old Eddie Crist on the 4000 block of South Capitol Terrace, SW, on May 8, 2020.  According to court documents, members of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) found Crist on the sidewalk suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. 

In addition to first-degree murder, Bates is also charged with robbery while armed, possession of a firearm during a crime of violence, and unlawful possession of a firearm. 

During a hearing on July 12, the prosecutor told Judge Okun she intended to conduct additional testing on blood splatters but did not know when to expect results. 

Defense attorney Pierce Suen requested the prosecution submit the testing results as soon as possible, citing Bates’ significant length of detention and the upcoming trial date in April 2023. 

“If the prosecution is able to expedite the results, that would be best,” Suen said. 

The parties are scheduled to reconvene on Nov. 4 to discuss the results.