Prosecution Pulls Plea Offer in Stabbing Case

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In a preliminary hearing before DC Superior Court Judge Renee Raymond, the prosecution revoked its plea offer to Daquan Session when his defense attorney, Bryan Bookhard, refused to “toll,” or extend a filing deadline for the prosecution.

Session, 30, is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for his alleged involvement in an April 29 stabbing on the 600 block of M St, NW.

Bookhard argued for Session to be released and have a stay-away order from the victim rescinded. Bookhard cited Session’s limited criminal history and the multiple months before his arrest in October when Session and the victim were able to interact without issue.

The prosecution opposed the request, saying the victim had reported violence from Session prior to the stabbing incident.

“If he is released, this victim would not be safe,” the prosecutor said.

Judge Raymond denied release and invoked the stay away order.

When Bookhard requested a status hearing in two weeks, the prosecution asked if he would be “tolling,” that is, giving the prosecution more time to indict Session. Bookhard answered no, despite the prosecution’s intent to rescind the pending plea offer.

The offer would have required Session to plead guilty to assault with a dangerous weapon in return for the prosecution’s dismissing any other charges, not indicting on additional charges, and a cap on the sentence at the bottom third of guidelines.

Parties are set to reconvene on Oct. 21.