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D.C. Witness Staff
- November 1, 2019
Daily Stories
On Nov. 1, a prosecutor told a DC Superior Court judge that he thinks a murder defendant should be released.
Jordan Smith, 32, is charged with first-degree murder while armed and two firearm offenses for his alleged role in the shooting of Yashika Green, 42, on the 200 block of Wayne Place, SE in 2017.
The prosecutor said he changed his mind and no longer thinks Smith is a danger to the community under the high intensity supervision program (HISP).
“This is a profound change in the government’s assessment. What has changed?” DC Superior court Judge Craig Iscoe asked.
The prosecutor did not explain the reason for his change of mind in open court.
During the trial readiness hearing, Smith’s defense counsel, Mani Golzari, told Judge Iscoe that the prosecution and defense agreed to request Smith’s release under HISP.
Golzari said he received excellent reports from the staff at the halfway house Smith has been held at for the last two months.
Golzari said he does not think Smith would fail to appear in court. Golzari also told Judge Iscoe that Smith’s mother, who attended the hearing, has a residence where he can stay.
Judge Iscoe ordered Smith to be released under HISP. Smith is required to wear an ankle monitor, stay away from witnesses and abide by a 7 a.m.-9 p.m. curfew.
A jury trial is scheduled to begin on Nov. 12.