Shooting Defendant Reneges on Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea

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DC Superior Court Judge Neal Kravitz heard a defendant in a non-fatal shooting case abandon his previous motion to withdraw a guilty plea on March 7.

On Oct. 18, 2024, Alante Parlow, 29, pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated assault knowingly while armed and possession of a firearm during a crime of violence for his involvement in the non-fatal shooting of an adult and five-year-old victim on April 23, 2024, on the 4800 block of North Capitol Street, NE.

On Jan. 17, Parlow requested to withdraw his guilty plea following his change in attorneys. 

DC Superior Court Judge Robert Okun heard the original plea agreement, and Judge Kravitz said Okun would likely hear the plea agreement again and settle the sentencing. 

The date for sentencing was not scheduled, but Judge Kravitz advised the parties to confer with Judge Okun about the best day.

Parties are slated to reconvene before Judge Kravitz on March 14, with the intention the matter will be rescheduled for sentencing in Judge Okun’s calendar.