Stabbing Case Continued Over Venue For Competency Treatment

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On Sep. 20 DC Superior Court Judge Jason Park ordered a postponement to determine treatment options for competency restoration for a stabbing defendant currently in Massachusetts.

Michael Burke, 45, is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for his alleged involvement in a non-fatal stabbing during a street fight on the 1700 block of Rhode Island Avenue, NE on April 16. 

According to court documents, the victim suffered a cut to the left side of his left jaw and was transported to the hospital with the blade still lodged inside his mouth.

Burke was released in April, and returned to his home in Massachusetts, with the condition that he would seek mental health assessments and competency evaluation.

When discussing the results of the examination and release status, defense attorney Thomas Healy stated that the doctor concluded Burke should continue competency restoration in Massachusetts.

The prosecution requested that Burke receive “local restoration” within DC, because that’s where he allegedly committed the crime.

Burke, who attended the hearing remotely, requested to speak with the judge, inquiring if he ordered officers to follow him, and expressed that he had “issues with the competency treatment” and was “going to complain to the FBI” alleging unfair treatment. 

Judge Park responded that Massachusetts “wasn’t his [the judge’s] jurisdiction,” and ordered a continuance to allow Healy to determine Burke’s options for receiving competency restoration services in Massachusetts or other options than in DC.

Parties are expected to reconvene on Oct. 7.