Stabbing Defendant Rejects Plea Offer He Doesn’t Understand

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DC Superior Court Judge Errol Arthur heard a defendant reject a plea deal for a stabbing because of a language barrier during a July 16 hearing.

Jose Garcia Fuentes, 44, is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for his alleged involvement in a stabbing that occurred on the 4400 block of 14th Street, NW on April 24. One individual sustained injuries.

During the hearing, attorney, Henry Escoto, alerted the court his client was not prepared to make a decision on the deal because he can’t speak English. 

According to court documents, Fuentes didn’t understand his Miranda Rights against self-incrimination even though they were read in Spanish. 

During a June hearing, a detective with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) said he watched surveillance footage in which he allegedly saw Fuentes stab a victim with a knife.

Escoto filed a motion to reopen a preliminary hearing because the prosecutor “did not provide the surveillance footage prior to the detention hearing” despite having it. The motion to reopen the hearing was denied by Judge Arthur cited DC Superior Court Judge Renee Raymond’s ruling that the prosecution’s evidence was strong.

The prosecutor said the video evidence provided on detective orders has been disclosed to the court and defense counsel.

According to court documents, Fuentes was the subject of two previous police reports. 

The parties are scheduled to reconvene Sept. 13.