Want to Know What D.C. Witness Does? Come to Our Open House!

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D.C.Witness has been covering homicide cases in the District of Columbia since 2015

You get to see our work every day, but there is so much more than we can put on the website. As 2020 winds down, we want to invite you to see behind the curtain to see our efforts in bringing transparency to the D.C. criminal justice system. 

So, D.C. Witness is holding open house events with info sessions on Friday, Nov. 27 at 1 p.m. and Monday, Nov. 30 at 6p.m.

We are planning some big things for 2021, and we’d like to show you. The info session will briefly overview what D.C. Witness does and mention some of our future plans. A Q&A will follow. Click here to register for one of the open house sessions. 

We hope to see you there,

D.C. Witness Editorial Team