What did Chase’s sister really know about decedent’s death?

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In a 2015 murder trial, the prosecution questioned Feb. 26 the defendant’s sister on her knowledge regarding Marcus Manor’s death.

According to Kevin Chase’s sister, who was also Manor’s girlfriend, she had no idea who was behind an assault on the 38-year-old on Oct. 16, 2015, nor did she know who fatally shot Manor four days later. During opening statements, the prosecution said that Chase assaulted Manor days before the shooting, breaking his nose and cheek bone.

The prosecution presented texts between Manor and the sister, after the assault. In the texts she told him that she “never wanted it to get like this.”

According to the prosecution, the sister also told the police that she “didn’t care” when she found out Manor was killed.

Additionally, according to the prosecution, the sister refused to answer the door when police showed up to take her in for questioning and when she was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury. The sister allegedly hid under a pile of clothes on the top bunk of one of her children’s beds and refused to cooperate, the prosecution said.

The prosecution also insinuated that the sister knew about her brother’s involvement in the homicide and her actions showed signs of guilt. Assistant United States Attorney Adrienne Dedjinou cited phone records that showed two calls between Chase and his sister on the day of Manor’s death.

Chase’s sister testified that Manor and the defendant rarely interacted, despite both of them living in her apartment on the 2900 block of Sherman Avenue, NW. She said that even though arguments between her and Manor were sometimes loud, Chase never heard them.

The defense said Manor’s death was an act self-defense, presenting texts from Manor to the sister that showed him repeatedly threatening to kill both her and her children. The texts included messages, such as, “I will come into your home and murder you.” Manor also stole the sister’s eldest son’s keys and other belongings.

After the sister kicked Manor out of her apartment on Oct. 15, 2015, she said he begged for forgiveness but was still aggressive. According to photos of the crime scene, Manor was sitting in a black Ford Explorer across the street from the sister’s apartment.

Chase and his friend, Demetrius Brandon, both 30, have been charged with first-degree murder while armed.

The prosecution is expected to rest their case on Feb. 27.

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