Murder Defendant Rejects Plea Deal

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Through her attorney, Lisbeth Sapirstein, Brianca Phillips rejected a plea deal and requested a trial date before DC Superior Court Judge Marisa Demeo on June 14.

Phillips, 27, is charged with conspiracy, first-degree murder while armed, and possession of a firearm during a crime of violence for her alleged involvement in the fatal shooting of 32-year-old Terrance Allen on the 3000 block of Stanton Road, SE on Jan. 18, 2021. 

Phillips was previously a co-defendant with Delonta Stevenson, 29, and Vorreze Thomas, 26, but her case was severed from theirs in May of 2023. In February, Stevenson and Thomas were found guilty of first-degree murder, among other charges, and their cases are now on appeal.

The offer that Phillips rejected would have required her to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit a crime of violence. In return, the prosecution would have dismissed all other charges, and the defense would have been permitted to request a sentence below the sentencing guidelines.

Judge Demeo scheduled a trial for Phillips to begin on July 14, 2025.

Parties are scheduled to reconvene on Oct. 11.