Two Armed Carjacking Co-Defendants Denied Stepped-Down Release

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DC Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro denied one carjacking co-defendant’s release and a second co-defendant’s release modification on March 18.

Antonio Kent, 19, is charged with armed carjacking for his alleged involvement in a carjacking incident that occurred on Sept. 1, 2024 on the 5500 block of Jay Street, NE.

Darryl Butler, 19, and Julan Byrd, 17, are charged with armed carjacking and possession of a firearm during a crime of violence for alleged involvement in the same incident. Byrd is additionally charged with robbery while armed.

During the hearing, Kent’s defense attorney, Alvin Thomas Jr., asked the Court to put Kent on GPS ankle monitoring. He added that this change would allow Kent to participate in a program to receive his driver’s license. 

The prosecution argued that there is no combination of release conditions that would ensure the safety of the community as Kent currently has a pending firearm case. As a result, Judge Di Toro denied the defense’s request for release.

Byrd’s defense attorney, Varsha Govindaraju, requested that the Court amend Byrd’s stay away order, a release condition that prevents him from entering Washington, DC. Govindaraju told the Court that Byrd goes to school close to the DC border, and is often rerouted into the city. He recently violated the stay away order as a result.

The prosecution said this modification would not work logistically. Judge Di Toro denied the defense’s request but said she would assess any notices of non-compliances as they arise.

Parties are expected to reconvene on April 18.